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Edelbrock B

Supercharged LS 416 Crate Engine


Edelbrock B

Supercharged LS 416 Crate Engine


P/N Edelbrock Crate Engine Eforce Supercharged Ls 416 CI w/ Complete EFI And Access, that produces an astounding 720 horsepower and 695 ft-lbs. of torque, on 91 octane pump gas


  • Brand new, aluminum LS3 block with a forged and balanced Manley crankshaft, forged Manley H-Beam connecting rods and Manley forged aluminum pistons
  • Edelbrock supercharger system with Eaton TVS 2300cc/rev rotors
  • Supercharger kit components, such as the electric intercooler water pump, intercooler plumbing and intercooler recovery tank, as well as fuel rails, 60 lb./hr. fuel injectors, mass air flow sensor (MAFS) housing and re-usable air filter
  • Has a drivers side throttle body orientation for ease of intake routing and a Corvette belt offset
  • Complete engine wiring harness